What will education policy look like under a Trump administration? Education Next editors and contributors offer their thoughts.
Podcast: What does Trump’s Victory Mean for Education Policy?
Education Next’s Paul E. Peterson and Martin West talk about what education reforms they expect from President-Elect Donald Trump. Will he move on school choice, the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, Title I portability, charter schools, or something entirely unexpected?
Pence, Trump, and the Ed Reform Agenda
By Paul E. Peterson
With Donald Trump set to enter the Oval Office, Vice President-elect Michael Pence seems likely to shape the federal role in education for the next four years.
Look to Congress, not Trump, for Leadership on Education Policy
By Matthew M. Chingos
An assertive Congress ignoring or even steamrolling a weak, incompetent White House seems like a plausible outcome in 2017.
How Will a Trump Presidency Impact Education Innovation?
By Michael B. Horn
A relative lack of activity from the federal government could create uncertainty, paralysis, or an opportunity for local educators to innovate.
Now What?
By Michael J. Petrilli
What does this political earthquake mean for education policy?
Trump Happened
By Frederick M. Hess
What does this mean for education? We’ll have to see who gets named to key policy positions in the White House and the Department of Education.
Donald Trump Won. What Does That Mean for Education Policy?
By Chad Aldeman
Here are my 11 reflections on what this means and predictions for what might happen.
Education Under President Trump Doesn’t Look As Scary As You Might Think
By Grover J. “Russ” Whitehurst
Two aspects of a Trump administration create the prospect of significant disruption in the way things have been.