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Who de Blasio Really Wanted as NYC Schools Chancellor
12/9/13 | Answer Sheet
Behind the Headline
A Testing Moratorium is Necessary
Winter 2014 | Education Next
Who will New York City mayor-elect Bill de Blasio pick to be his new schools chancellor? In the Washington Post, Valerie Strauss writes that de Blasio really wanted Stanford University professor Linda Darling-Hammond for the position, but Darling-Hammond denies that she was offered the job. Still being mentioned as candidates: Joshua Starr, Carmen Farina, and Kathleen Cashin.
Josh Starr, superintendent of schools in Montgomery County, Md. wrote an article for the new issue of Ed Next arguing for for a three-year hiatus from high-stakes accountability testing while new Common Core standards and tests are implemented.
In “Will Mayor de Blasio Turn Back the School Reform Clock?” also in the new issue of Ed Next, Peter Meyer looks at the education policies de Blasio is expected to embrace and at which of Mayor Bloomberg’s education reforms are likely to remain in place under a de Blasio administration.
-Education Next