Behind the Headline: Quality Surges in Ranks of Young Teachers

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Quality Surges in Ranks of Young Teachers
2/13/14 | Washington Post

Behind the Headline
Gains in Teacher Quality
Winter 2014 | Education Next

In the past, teacher candidates had lower SAT scores than students choosing other jobs, but a new study by Dan Goldhaber and Joe Walch finds that new teachers have significantly higher SAT scores than in previous years. Jay Mathews describes some of the reasons that interest in teaching may have grown among the best college students: fast-start teacher training programs like Teach for America, new teacher training programs that offer instruction tailored for teachers entering inner city schools, and teaching residencies in which candidates work with experienced teachers for a year.

The study by Goldhaber and Walch on the rising SAT scores of teachers, “Gains in Teacher Quality: Academic capabilities of the U.S. teaching force are on the rise,” appears in the Winter 2014 issue of Ed Next.

-Education Next

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