On Top of the News
New Orleans Goes All In on Charter Schools
3/1/14 | Christian Science Monitor
Behind the Headline
Moving from a School System to a System of Schools
11/9/12 | Education Next blog
Since Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans has reinvented itself when it comes to education. As Stacy Teicher Khadaroo explains in the Christian Science Monitor, New Orleans has become a district-less school district where 9 in 10 students attend charter schools. Test scores and graduation rates are on the rise.
In his book, The Urban School System of the Future, Andy Smarick proposed that the best way to fix the urban school district is to dissolve it and replace it with a system of chartered schools. Mike McShane reviews the book here. And Andy Smarick is interviewed by Mike Petrilli for the Ed Next book club here.
-Education Next