Behind the Headline: Confessions of a Fixer

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Confessions of a Fixer
12/30/14 | Chronicle of Higher Ed

Behind the Headline
Credit Recovery Hits the Mainstream
Summer 2014 | Education Next

In the Chronicle of Higher Ed, Brad Wolverton tells the story of a former college basketball coach with a lucrative side business helping hundreds of college athletes cheat their way through online courses in order to maintain their eligibility to compete in the NCAA.

In the Summer 2014 issue of Ed Next, Sarah Carr wrote about providers of online courses used by high school students for credit recovery and at efforts to ensure that courses are of sufficient rigor. As Carr explains, the NCAA has devised its own system for ensuring that online courses taken by high school students are legitimate before counting the courses towards eligibility requirements.

In a blog entry, Michael Horn scrutinized the decision made by the NCAA not to count certain online courses.

– Education Next

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