Former CNN anchor Campbell Brown has launched an education-focused website called The Seventy Four. Brown tweeted that the name is “for the 74 million children in America — the people the education establishment is supposed to serve.”
Brown told Lukas Alpert of the Wall Street Journal ““There are a lot of entrenched interests that are standing in the way of some the best possibilities for innovation” in education. “We want to challenge and scrutinize the powers that be.”
Jennifer Rubin writes in the Washington Post
The site will cover all aspects of education in the United States — from the policy debate that will play out in the presidential election to the day-to-day human stories of school superintendents, teachers, parents and kids on the front lines in our nation’s schools. The goal is to make education front-page news. It is a nonprofit with high-profile donors such as the Walton family and Bloomberg philanthropies. Both conservative media figures (Margaret Hoover, Reihan Salam) and mainstream media journalists (Cynthia Tucker, formerly of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and Steve Snyder, formerly an editor at People and Time) will be featured.
—Education Next