What We’re Watching: Reconsidering the Coleman Report on its 50th Anniversary

On February 25  EdNext hosted an event to revisit James S. Coleman’s 1966 report, “Equality of Educational Opportunity” on its 50th anniversary. The schedule was as follows:

12:15 PM — Welcome

Paul E. Peterson, Harvard University; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution

12:30 PM — Panel I: Why Has the United States Made Such Little Progress?

Chair: Paul E. Peterson, Harvard University; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
• Eric A. Hanushek, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
• Anna J. Egalite, North Carolina State University
• Irasema Salcido, D.C. Promise Neighborhood Initiative; Chavez Schools

1:45 PM — Break

2 PM — Panel II: What Are the Options for the Future?

Chair: Paul E. Peterson, Harvard University; Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution
• Martin R. West, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
• Greg Toppo, USAToday
• Michael J. Petrilli, Thomas B. Fordham Institute; Research Fellow, Hoover Institution
• Susan Patrick, iNACOL

3:30 PM — Adjourn

The event was sponsored by Education Next in cooperation with the Hoover Institution, the Harvard Program on Education Policy and Governance, and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

The Spring 2016 issue of Education Next features articles by leading scholars that revisit and update Coleman’s findings on desegregation, the achievement gap, school choice, teacher quality, the role of the family, and academic games.

—Education Next

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