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Can Charlotte-Mecklenburg Desegregate Its Schools … Again?
The American Prospect | 3/18/2016
Behind the Headline
Desegregation Since the Coleman Report
Education Next | Spring 2016
A long article by Rachel Cohen in The American Prospect looks at new efforts to integrate schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg, in North Carolina.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Charlotte used busing to desegregate its schools, but those schools became increasingly segregated after a court ruled in the late 199os that busing was no longer required. Now a grassroots coalition is trying to mobilize families in Charlotte to resist segregation by race and income, while others are threatening to send their children to private or charter schools if they are unable to attend neighborhood schools.
In a recent article for Education Next, Steve Rivkin looks at trends nationwide in school enrollment and segregation and at the impact of those trends on student achievement.
— Education Next