In the News: Opportunity School District May Be Dead, but A-F Rating System Lives On

ednext_XVII_1_forum_img01In Georgia, the Department of Education, the governor’s office, and the teachers union disagree about the best way to rate schools.

As Maureen Downey of the Atlanta Journal Constitution explains

Georgia bewildered parents with its ponderous College and Career Ready Performance Index that distills an array of factors into a single numerical rating. Parents had to decipher growth from performance and then figure out the extra bonus points.

Along with a CCRPI score assigned through the Department of Education, Georgia schools now earn an A-F grade through the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, a vestige of the now vanquished Opportunity School District. The OSD would have been populated by schools that earned an F rating from GOSA.

Even though the OSD proposal was killed by voters, the grading plan is apparently still alive.

The governor’s office thinks the new grading system offers “parent-friendly, concise reports” but the state’s largest teacher organization thinks the grading system is ineffective.

A recent Education Next forum looked at how states should design their accountability systems, and focused on the advantages and disadvantages of simplified and complex ways of grading schools.

— Education Next

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