EdNext Podcast: A Lot of Lost Ground: Results from the Education Next Survey on Learning During the Pandemic

“Across a range of the questions that we asked, you see a more robust response in the charter school sector and in the private school sector.”

In a special crossover with The Education Exchange, the Editor-in-Chief of Education Next, Marty West, joins Paul E. Peterson to discuss newly released findings from the 2020 Education Next survey, focused on the experiences of families and teachers after schools closed their doors in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Listen to the podcast now.

What American Families Experienced When Covid-19 Closed Their Schools,” by Michael B. Henderson, David Houston, Paul E. Peterson and Martin R. West, is available now.

The EdNext Podcast is available on iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud, Stitcher and here every Wednesday.

— Education Next

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