Bill Tucker
Tucker is managing director of of Education Sector and is responsible for managing its day-to-day operations, including oversight for all administrative, human resources, financial, legal, communications, strategic planning, and program functions. In his policy work for Education Sector, he focuses on technology and innovation–specifically virtual schooling, assessments, and data systems.
Tucker is a social entrepreneur who has founded and led both nonprofit organizations and for-profit companies. His expertise ranges from finance to strategic development and technology, he has extensive knowledge of the nonprofit sector, and he has led the growth of several organizations; in 2000, he co-founded SmarterOrg, Inc, an e-learning company, and sold it in 2002 to the Isoph Corporation, a provider of specialized e-learning software, services, and content development. Through 2005 he served as Isoph’s chief knowledge officer, co-managing the company’s operations and advising organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Land Trust Alliance, and the National Wildlife Federation on organizational learning strategies and business models. Prior to graduate school, Tucker managed the training, conference, and publishing operations at CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, the nation’s largest provider of management and technical training to nonprofit organizations.