Emily Ayscue Hassel
is Co-Director of Public Impact. She provides thought leadership and
oversight to Public Impact’s work on human capital, organizational
transformation, parental choice of schools, and emerging opportunities
for dramatic change in pre-K to grade 12 education. Ms. Hassel
co-authored “The
Big U-Turn: How to bring schools from the brink of doom to stellar success” for Education Next; Improving Teaching Through Pay for
Contribution for
the National Governor’s Association; School
Restructuring Under No Child Left Behind: What Works When?,
and Public Impact’s Competencies
for Turnaround Success Series.
She led Public Impact’s initial work on school restructuring under
No Child Left Behind, addressing both education and cross-sector lessons
for chronically failing schools. Other work includes Picky Parent Guide: Choose Your
Child’s School with Confidence; Choosing the Right Preschool eBook
for TheSavvySource.com;
and Learning Point Associates’ Professional
Development: Learning from the Best,
a toolkit for education leaders on designing and implementing effective
professional development.She previously worked for the Hay Group, a
leading human resources consulting firm. Ms. Hassel received her law
and Masters in Business Administration degrees from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill.