Scott Imberman
Scott A. Imberman is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Houston and a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He has conducted substantial research on the economics of education, including work investigating the efficacy of charter schools, competitive impacts of charter schools, peer effects, the impacts of school uniforms, and schools’ financial responses to accountability pressures. His research has been published or is forthcoming in the American Economic Review, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Urban Economics and the Review of Economics and Statistics and his research has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Education Week, the Boston Globe, and the Houston Chronicle. He has also won multiple awards for his research including the Association for Education Finance and Policy’s Outstanding Dissertation Award and a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation. Scott Imberman has presented at numerous academic conferences including annual meetings for the American Economic Association, the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, the Society of Labor Economists, and the Association for Education Finance and Policy. Scott received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland in 2007 and his B.A. from Columbia University in 2002. He currently lives in Houston, TX with his wife and son.