Williamson Evers
Williamson M. Evers, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, was the U.S. assistant secretary of education for policy from 2007 to 2009. In 2003, Evers served in Iraq as a senior adviser for education to Administrator L. Paul Bremer of the Coalition Provisional Authority. Evers is a past member of National Educational Research Policy and Priorities Board, a past commissioner on the California State Academic Standards Commission, past trustee on the Santa Clara County Board of Education, and a past president of the board of directors of the East Palo Alto Charter School. Evers was a founding member of EducationNext’s editorial board and served on the board from 2001 through 2014. He was also a member of the Hoover Institution’s Koret Task Force on K–12 Education, 1999-2014, throughout the course of the research group’s existence.