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Children of Married Parents More Likely to Do Extracurriculars, Survey Shows
12/11/14 | Ed Week
Behind the Headline
Was Moynihan Right?
Spring 2015 | Education Next
According to a report from the Census Bureau, children who live with two married parents are much more likely to participate in extracurricular activities than children living with two unmarried parents or children living with single parents.
Fifty years ago, the Moynihan report took a close look at the rising number of African-American children being raised by single mothers, and at the consequences for these children in later life. In a new article for Education Next, Princeton professor Sara McLanahan and Harvard professor Christopher Jencks examine changes in family structure for both blacks and whites over the past 50 years. They analyze the effect of these changes on the educational attainment and other life outcomes of the children raised in single parent families.
-Education Next