Behind the Headline: In Keynote, NEA President Garcia Strikes Populist Tone

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In Keynote, NEA President Garcia Strikes Populist Tone
7/3/15 | Ed Week Teacher Beat blog

Behind the Headline
Teacher of the Year to Union President
Summer 2014 | Education Next

The National Education Association’s Representative Assembly is meeting now and NEA President Lily Eskelsen-Garcia delivered her keynote address today. As summarized by Stephen Sawchuk

It was the most populist speech we’ve seen in years at this assembly, emphasizing not programs and prescriptions from the national union, but rather, the collective power that being in a union confers. Her speech focused both on unionization empowering educators to improve schools, and how the NEA collectively helped to give birth to Head Start, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and a host of other education legislation.

Lily Eskelsen Garcia was profiled by Richard Colvin in the Summer 2014 issue of Education Next just before she took office.

– Education Next

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