Behind the Headline: Ras Baraka Declares Victory in Newark Mayoral Election

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Ras Baraka Declares Victory in Newark Mayoral Election
5/14/14 |

Behind the Headline
Newark’s Superintendent Rolls Up Her Sleeves and Gets to Work
Winter 2013 | Education Next

In Newark, N.J., the mayoral election has been won by Ras Baraka, a community activist who has opposed the school reform policies of school superintendent Cami Anderson. Anderson has pushed to consolidate and relocate schools in the city and to allow charter school operators to run some neighborhood schools. Baraka was supported by teachers unions in the race, while his opponent, Shavar Jeffries, was backed by charter school supporters.

A long feature story about battles over school reform in Newark appears in the current issue of the New Yorker.

Cami Anderson was profiled by Peter Meyer in the Winter 2013 issue of Education Next.

-Education Next

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