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Obama’s Record: Rethinking the Classroom
Washington Post| 9/21/12
Behind the Headline
Obama’s Education Record
Education Next| Spring 2012
In today’s Washington Post, Lyndsey Layton reviews President Obama’s education record. “In 3 and a half years in office, President Obama has set in motion a broad overhaul of public education from kindergarten through high school, largely bypassing Congress and inducing states to adopt landmark changes that none of his predecessors attempted,” she writes. In the spring issue of Ed Next, Mike Petrilli and Ty Eberhardt analyze whether the reality matches the rhetoric when it comes to Obama’s education record. “The administration deserves to be pressed on the cost-effectiveness of its education system bailouts, on the results of its Race to the Top initiative, and on the wisdom of its approach to federalism and separation of powers,” they conclude.
-Education Next