Behind the Headline: The New Thomas Jefferson? It Includes Remedial Math

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The New Thomas Jefferson? It Includes Remedial Math
Washington Post | 5/27/12

Behind the Headline
Teaching Math to the Talented
Education Next | Winter 2011

In today’s Washington Post, John Dell, a physics teacher at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology laments the decline of the school, which he contends no longer focuses on admitting students with high aptitude  and interest in STEM and giving them a demanding STEM-focused curriculum. Under the school’s current admissions policies, Dell notes, one third of the students are in remediation in math and science courses. A study by Eric Hanushek, Paul Peterson, and Ludger Woessmann which appeared in the Winter 2011 issue of Ed Next found that the percentage of American students achieving at advanced levels in math trailed that of most industrialized nations.

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