In the Wall Street Journal, Tawnell D. Hobbs writes about several school districts that are “banning homework, forbidding it on certain days or just not grading it, in response to parents who complain of overload and some experts who say too much can be detrimental.”
In a new article for Education Next, Janine Bempechat examines whether American students are receiving too much homework and reviews the case for assigning homework. She writes:
Are American students overburdened with homework? In some middle-class and affluent communities, where pressure on students to achieve can be fierce, yes. But in families of limited means, it’s often another story.
Bempechat explains what kind of homework is most beneficial and considers the impact of reducing or eliminating homework on the achievement gap.
“The Case for (Quality) Homework,” by Janine Bempechat appears in the Winter 2019 issue of Education Next.
— Education Next