Common Core
- Standards for math and reading had negative spillover effects on other subjects
- A “blunt instrument” to share common standards for college-readiness across states wound up on the ash heap. Tom Loveless tells the story in a new book.
- The just-released 2016 Education Next poll identified changes in public support for the Common Core, testing, opting out, and school choice. Paul Peterson and Marty West discuss what the public says it wants and why these opinions are changing.
- The Common Core standards initiative was launched in 2009 but by the time new tests aligned with those standards were rolled out 4 to 5 years later, there was mounting opposition to using those tests to evaluate teachers and schools. To preserve support for the standards, many states began throwing the assessments overboard. Will abandoning the tests in order to save the standards actually work?
- Amanda Olberg interviews Paul E. Peterson about the results of his new analysis of state academic standards. The study looks at how high states are setting the bar for student proficiency.