The 2008 Education Next-PEPG Survey

Responses to Additional Questions

School Discipline

To the best of your knowledge, how serious are problems like fighting and property destruction at your local public schools?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Serious problem 15 % 12 % 26 % 21 % 12 %
Somewhat of a problem 39 40 36 45 40
Not much of a problem 40 42 33 32 38
Not a problem 6 7 6 2 9
Some people say that principals should be the final authority on disciplinary matters. Other people say that students who have been suspended from school have a right to appeal their punishment to the local school board. Which do you think is preferable?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Principals should be the final authority 41 % 40 % 42 % 43 % 57 %
Students should have a right to appeal their punishment 59 60 58 57 43


*Note: For questions in this category responses of those who identified themselves as “Born Again”are indicated.

Do you think the public schools in your community generally promote the values that youthink are most important, or do you think that the values emphasized at school oftencome into conflict with your own?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Always promote my values 4 % 2 % 9 % 5 % 6 % 4 %
Sometimes promote my values 51 51 51 50 59 43
School values sometimes come into conflict with mine 36 36 31 41 28 38
School values often come into conflict with mine 10 11 9 4 7 14
In some public school districts, parents have requested that some time in each day be set aside for silent prayer and reflection. What do you think about this proposal?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Completely support 34 % 33 % 49 % 33 % 28 % 56 %
Somewhat support 16 16 15 11 16 17
Neither support nor oppose 28 27 25 33 25 20
Somewhat oppose 8 9 2 10 11 3
Completely oppose 14 16 8 13 21 3

Each respondent was randomly assigned to one of the following five questions:

A. How would you feel about a group of religious students organizing an after-school club at your local public school?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Completely favor 42 % 40 % 52 % 56 % 53 % 68 %
Somewhat favor 16 17 27 6 10 17
Neither favor nor oppose 31 33 15 28 26 13
Somewhat oppose 6 6 0 4 3 2
Completely oppose 4 4 6 6 8 0
B. How would you feel about a group of Mormon students organizing an after-school club atyour local public school?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Completely favor 28 % 30 % 21 % 24 % 31 % 30 %
Somewhat favor 15 16 12 10 16 14
Neither favor nor oppose 43 42 48 36 43 43
Somewhat oppose 4 3 11 9 6 5
Completely oppose 10 9 8 21 4 7
C. How would you feel about a group of Muslim students organizing an after-school club atyour local public school?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Completely favor 16 % 15 % 15 % 22 % 27 % 13 %
Somewhat favor 11 11 13 2 19 12
Neither favor nor oppose 50 50 47 55 34 44
Somewhat oppose 8 10 0 8 6 7
Completely oppose 15 15 25 13 13 23
D. How would you feel about a group of atheist students organizing an after-school club atyour local public school?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Completely favor 11 % 10 % 14 % 8 % 22 % 11 %
Somewhat favor 7 9 1 3 7 7
Neither favor nor oppose 53 49 53 70 41 47
Somewhat oppose 11 12 14 3 7 12
Completely oppose 18 20 18 17 23 23
E. How would you feel about a group of Evangelical students organizing an after-schoolclub at your local public school?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers Born Again
Completely favor 31 % 32 % 35 % 23 % 34 % 51 %
Somewhat favor 17 16 13 19 18 16
Neither favor nor oppose 41 42 43 40 28 29
Somewhat oppose 4 5 2 3 8 3
Completely oppose 7 6 7 15 11 2

School Board Politics

To the best of your knowledge, are members of your local school board elected or appointed by another public official such as a mayor?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Elected 82 % 85 % 72 % 77 % 90 %
Appointed 18 15 28 23 10

If respondents answered “Elected” to the preceeding question they were asked the following:

Many school board elections are held at a time different from other elections; and very little information is easily available about the candidates in most school board elections. As a result, only a small fraction of the American public tends to vote in these elections. Do you remember for sure whether you voted in the last school board election?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Voted 34 % 36 % 29 % 26 % 55 %
Did not vote 42 41 47 43 30
Ineligible 5 4 4 7 3
Don’t know, can’t remember 19 18 20 24 12

Each respondent was randomly assigned to one of the following four questions:

A. Imagine a school board candidate who proposes shifting funds from after-school sports programs to after-school academic programs. Would you vote for such a candidate?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Yes 63 % 63 % 54 % 69 % 67 %
No 37 37 46 31 33
B. Imagine a school board candidate who proposes shifting funds from after-school sports programs to after-school academic programs. This candidate is supported by the local teachers union. Would you vote for such a candidate?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Yes 66 % 65 % 59 % 67 % 65 %
No 34 35 41 33 35
C. Imagine a school board candidate who proposes shifting funds from after-school sports programs to after-school academic programs. This candidate is supported by the local Parent Teacher Association. Would you vote for such a candidate?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Yes 61 % 60 % 50 % 69 % 70 %
No 39 40 50 31 30
D. Imagine a school board candidate who proposes shifting funds from after-school sports programs to after-school academic programs. This candidate is supported by local business leaders. Would you vote for such a candidate?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Yes 64 % 64 % 52 % 70 % 59 %
No 36 36 48 30 41

Presidential Election

In the upcoming presidential election, do you expect to vote for the Democratic candidate, the Republican candidate, or someone from a different party?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Democrat 52 % 45 % 88 % 64 % 60 %
Republican 37 45 5 23 36
Someone from different party 11 10 7 12 5
How strong is your support for a candidate from this party?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Very strong 31 % 27 % 57 % 35 % 37 %
Strong 22 22 21 21 27
Somewhat strong 27 28 16 29 21
Not strong at all 20 23 6 14 14

Additional Information

Do you know any students who have taken a course for middle or high school credit over the internet?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Yes 12 % 12 % 6 % 14 % 31 %
No 88 88 94 86 69

If respondents answered “Yes” to the preceeding question they were asked the following:

Have any of your own children ever taken a course for middle or high school credit over the internet?
Racial / Ethnic Identity
National White African
Hispanic Public School Teachers
Yes 16 % 14 % 16 % 14 % 64 %
No 84 86 84 86 36

Last Updated


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